Food Psych #60: The Body Positivity Journey - LIVE Episode with Katie Dalebout, CeCe Olisa, Kelsey Miller, Caroline Dooner, and Amie Roe
Left to right: CeCe Olisa, Christy Harrison, Katie Dalebout, Caroline Dooner, Kelsey Miller, and Amie Roe
I'm so excited to share this episode! It's the live one that I recently co-hosted in NYC with Katie Dalebout, host of The Wellness Wonderland Radio and author of Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling.
We talked with not one, not two, but FOUR amazing guests about body positivity, eating disorder recovery, and lots more: Kelsey Miller (Refinery29 staff writer, author of Big Girl, and a previous Food Psych guest); Caroline Dooner (comedian, body image coach, and also a previous podcast guest); CeCe Olisa (writer and founder of the body-positive lifestyle blog Plus Size Princess); and Amie Roe (psychotherapist tand improv comedian at the Magnet Theater).
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