Christy Harrison - Intuitive Eating Dietitian, Anti-Diet Author, & Certified Eating Disorders Specialist

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New Help for Making Peace with Food

This post was previously published in my newsletter, Food Psych Weekly. Sign up to get more like this in your inbox each week, and check out my new Rethinking Wellness newsletter, too!

Note: I may receive a commission if you purchase a product mentioned below.

Welcome back to Food Psych Weekly! (Almost) every week in this newsletter, I answer your questions about intuitive eating, Health At Every Size, disordered-eating recovery, and other anti-diet topics.

This week there won’t be a Q&A, because between juggling my pregnancy, my next book, and several other big projects, I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment (to put it mildly). But I’m psyched to finally be able to announce one of those projects, which is now available for pre-order: The Making Peace with Food Card Deck (paid link), a collaboration with Judith Matz, the longtime anti-diet therapist and groundbreaking author of Beyond a Shadow of a Diet and The Diet Survivor’s Handbook.

In this beautiful deck, Judith and I have put together 59 bite-size ideas and activities to help you end chronic dieting and heal your relationship with food. We created the deck to help you learn how to:

  • Reject diet culture

  • Honor your hunger cues

  • Practice attuned eating

  • Find self-compassion

  • Nourish your body

  • Navigate emotional eating

  • Rediscover joy in life

You can pre-order the card deck now for its December 1 release! It also makes a great holiday gift option for anyone in your life who’s working to heal from diet culture.

I’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled Q&A, and meanwhile I hope you’ll check out the card deck for some additional support in making peace with food!

Podcast Archives

In Episode 239 of Food Psych, fat-positive sex and relationship coach and fellow podcast host Dawn Serra returned to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our relationships with food and highlighting existing social injustices, how diet culture robs us of our ability to embody pleasure, desirability politics and its links to diet culture and oppressive beauty standards, navigating romantic relationships while in recovery, and so much more.

Plus, I answered a listener question about how to tell whether exercise is intuitive or compulsive.

Check it out right here, and be sure to subscribe to the pod so that you get (VERY) occasional bonus episodes while we’re on hiatus, and a brand new season of the show when we return.

Thanks so much for reading, and I look forward to answering your questions again soon!

Here’s to making peace with food,


See this content in the original post